PostGIS is a spatial database extender for the PostgreSQL Open Source Object-Relational database management system.
PostGIS follows the OGC/SQL-MM standards.
A lot in PostGIS has changed since we wrote the Second Edition of PostGIS In Action. PostGIS in Action,3rd Edition is a significant update to the second edition that covers new features in 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2 as well as newer PostgreSQL 11-13 enhancements. In addition PostgreSQL has changed as well and has added many new speed improvements, new datatypes (jsonb), and newer constructs (introduction of partitioned tables). We cover some of these in performance tuning, PL languages and the Appendixes. PostGIS in Action,3rd Edition provides a guided tour of these new enhancements and things to watch out for when migrating from PostGIS 2.x to 3.x. For new users, you'll get a good primer on basic functionality of PostGIS as well as a growth path to take advantage of its more unique and gourmet features. Special focus on PostGIS 3 series and PostgreSQL 12+.
We introduce you to both PostGIS as well
as PostgreSQL, the powerful DBMS that PostGIS spatially extends. You will learn:
- The basics of Geographic Infomation Systems (GIS), spatial data processing,and how these extend the kinds of questions you can answer with a relational database
- How to load both vector and raster data into the database and working with topology.
- Using Foreign Data Wrappers to query data external to the database, including spatial ones.
- How spatial reference systems play a role in GIS
- The power of Spatial SQL to simplify and expand the possibilities of location aware applications, statistical analysis based on location, and raster analysis.
- How PostGIS/PostgreSQL fits into the standard body of GIS and relational databases.
- What workflows PostGIS is good for and how to perform them efficiently
- How to view PostGIS data in desktop applications
- How to integrate PostGIS in your web applications
The appendices cover topics germane to PostGIS and PostgreSQL:
- Helpful resources for learning more about PostgreSQL, GIS, Free tools and Commerical tools that work with PostGIS
- Getting free GIS data
- Getting up and running with PostgreSQL and PostGIS
- The fundamentals of Structured Query Lanuage (SQL)
- PostgreSQL unique features, backup and restore, and security management
This website is a companion to the PostGIS in Action books. We provide PostGIS and PostgreSQL resources, code downloads, data downloads used in the book as well as providing chapter summaries of what is covered in each chapter.
On the chapter listing page you will see a paper clip to download code and data for that chapter. You will also see the download link on each chapter page.
Note the E-Book version is half the price of the hard-copy and Manning will reimburse you the price you paid for E-Book if you choose to later buy the hard-copy.