The flat space model. Space is a cartesian grid. Supports drawing of linestrings, polygons, 3D polygons, points, 3d points, collections of polygons, points, linestrings, Polyhedral Surfaces, and TINS
Defined in SQL/MM Topology-Geometry specs. Spatialite has it too. Topology partitions space into edges, nodes, and faces. Then it says this thing called topogeometry is space composed of these edges, nodes, faces and other topogeometries (which are again just a bunch of edges, nodes,and faces). If two topogeometries have the same set of (edges,nodes,faces) then they are the same.
(1,1,2,3) -> topology_id, layer_id, id, type
SELECT topo::geometry AS geom, (topo).*
FROM some_topo_table;
PostGIS packaged command-line tools
These are part of PostGIS, but often shipped by packagers in a separate package from PostGIS extensions.
shp2pgsql - Loads data from ESRI Shapefile format
pgsql2shp - Exports data from PostGIS format to ESRI shapefile format (for other formats use ogr2ogr (part of GDAL suite of tools) or ogr_fdw
raster2pgsql - Loads data into postgis raster from hundreds of different raster formats (thru the power of GDAL)
pgtopo_export - New in upcoming PostGIS 3.3.0, export topologies
pgtopo_import - Import topologies (New in PostGIS 3.3.0)
Need to geocode US data?
Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding using US Census Tiger data.
Analysis and managing spatial movement in a compact way. Follows the OGC Moving Features spec. Extends postgis geometry and geography types with time elements. Raw data often comes in General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format and GPX (that stuff from your GPS device). Extends postgis geometry and geography types to form temporal spatial types: tgeompoint, tgeogpoint, and many others.
Store massive amounts of movement data in a compact way.
What are point clouds? a bag of fat points collected by satellites, drones, planes, 3d scanners,
and used to develop other forms of data: spatial data formats (particularly 3D models).
Foreign Data Wrappers
Foreign data wrappers allow you to query data not in your database as if it is a table in your database.
Works with PostgreSQL 11-15beta1. Packagers have started or finished packaging it.
Can't enable in database with CREATE EXTENSION unless have binaries
Available from packagers: (,, Windows Stackbuilder, bsd ports, homebrew)
postgis packaged extensions, pointcloud/pointcloud_postgis, pgrouting, ogr_fdw, oracle_fdw
Support via Database As a Service (DBaaS): postgis extensions (except sometimes not postgis_sfcgal), pgrouting (a lot of the time, but popular ask when not), oracle_fdw (sometimes), ogr_fdw (rarely)
Need to compile yourself or use provided container setups: - mobilitydb,pgh3