Loading data into PostgreSQL

Regina Obe


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Categories of loading we'll cover

  • Large Object storage SQL functions
  • Foreign Data Wrappers (FDWs)
  • http Extension

  • PSQL \copy and \copy FROM PROGRAM
  • PSQL Large Object support functions
  • Other commandline tools: pgloader, ogr2ogr, shp2pgsql
  • Need not be on same server as Postgres service

Loading delimited files with SQL COPY (Server Side)

  • postgres daemon account needs to have access to files
  • User has to have super user rights to Postgres service

Step 1: Create staging table

Has to match the structure of the file. Using film locations - https://data.sfgov.org/api/views/yitu-d5am/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD

CREATE TABLE film_locations
   (title text ,
    release_year integer ,
    locations text ,
    fun_facts text ,
    production_company text ,
    distributor text ,
    director text ,
    writer text ,
    actor_1 text ,
    actor_2 text ,
    actor_3 text );

Step 2 (from file): Load the data using SQL COPY

COPY film_locations 
  FROM '/data_talk/csvs/Film_Locations_in_San_Francisco.csv' HEADER CSV DELIMITER ',';

Step 2 (output from program): Load the data using SQL COPY FROM PROGRAM

Requires PostgreSQL 9.3+

COPY film_locations 
FROM PROGRAM 'wget -q -O - "$@" "https://data.sfgov.org/api/views/yitu-d5am/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"' 

Loading delimited files with psql \copy (Client side)

  • psql client needs to have access to the files
  • User initiating does not need super user rights to database, but needs to have permissions to the files
  • Could be slow if postgres server is not on same local network as client.

Step 1: Create staging table

Has to exactly match the structure of the file. Using film locations - https://data.sfgov.org/api/views/yitu-d5am/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD

CREATE TABLE film_locations
   (title text ,
    release_year integer ,
    locations text ,
    fun_facts text ,
    production_company text ,
    distributor text ,
    director text ,
    writer text ,
    actor_1 text ,
    actor_2 text ,
    actor_3 text );

Step 2: Load the data with \copy FROM

\copy film_locations FROM '/data_talk/csvs/Film_Locations_in_San_Francisco.csv' HEADER CSV DELIMiTER ',';

Step 2 alternative: Load the data using \copy FROM PROGRAM

Requires psql compiled for PostgreSQL 9.3+

\copy film_locations FROM PROGRAM 'wget -q -O - "$@" "https://data.sfgov.org/api/views/yitu-d5am/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"' HEADER CSV DELIMITER ',';

Server Side: Loading Binary files

Loading documents and images into a database table from server's file system.

Use COPY FROM PROGRAM (PostgreSQL 9.3+) in conjunction with Large Object support (LO)

Step 1: Create staging table

CREATE TABLE tmp_docs(file_name text PRIMARY KEY);

Step 2: Get List of files

Pull list from folder with COPY FROM PROGRAM

COPY tmp_docs FROM PROGRAM 'dir C:\data /b /S'  WITH (format 'csv');
COPY tmp_docs FROM PROGRAM 'ls /data/* -R'  WITH (format 'csv');

Step 2: Add fields to hold file link id and blob of the files

ALTER TABLE tmp_docs ADD COLUMN doc bytea, ADD COLUMN doc_oid oid;

Step 3: Load the binary data

-- add the document to large object storage and return the link id
UPDATE tmp_docs SET doc_oid = lo_import(filename);

-- pull document from large object storage
UPDATE tmp_docs SET doc = lo_get(doc_oid);

-- delete the files from large object storage
SELECT lo_unlink(doc_oid)
FROM tmp_docs;

Client Side: Loading Binary files using psql

Loading documents and images into a database table from client's file system.

Use PSQL \copy and \lo_* functions and SQL to generate a load script

Step 1: Create staging table

Note this is same as what we did for the server side approach

CREATE TABLE tmp_docs(file_name text PRIMARY KEY);

Step 2: Get List of files

Pull list from folder with PSQL \copy FROM PROGRAM (psql packaged with 9.3+)

\copy tmp_docs FROM PROGRAM 'dir C:\data /b /S'  WITH (format 'csv');
\copy tmp_docs FROM PROGRAM 'ls /data/*'  WITH (format 'csv');

Step 2: Add fields to hold file link id and blob of the files

ALTER TABLE tmp_docs ADD COLUMN doc bytea, ADD COLUMN doc_oid oid;

Step 3: Generate a load script file

\t on returns only tuples (no header), and \x off turns off expanded mode, and \a toggles axis align

\o /temp/loadscript.psql
\t on 
\x off
SELECT '\lo_import ' || quote_literal(replace(file_name, '\', '/')) 
|| '
UPDATE tmp_docs SET doc_oid = :LASTOID
    WHERE  file_name = ' || quote_literal(file_name) || ';'
FROM tmp_docs;

Step 4: run the load script file generated in step 3

the load script file will look something like this

\lo_import '/scans/file1.pdf'
UPDATE tmp_docs SET doc_oid = :LASTOID
    WHERE  file_name = E'/scans/file1.pdf';
\lo_import '/scans/file2.pdf'
UPDATE tmp_docs SET doc_oid = :LASTOID
    WHERE  file_name = E'/scans/file2.pdf';

run the load script file generated in step 3

\i /temp/loadscript.psql

Step 5: Same as server side, using server side functions grab the blob and delete the file from large storage

-- pull document from large object storage
UPDATE tmp_docs SET doc = lo_get(doc_oid);

-- delete the files from large object storage
SELECT lo_unlink(doc_oid)
FROM tmp_docs;

Using Foreign Data Wrappers to load data

  • file_fdw: use to read flat files and flat outputs. New in PostgreSQL 10 can read from commandline programs
  • postgres_fdw: use to query other postgres servers
  • ogr_fdw - use to query and load spatial formats and also other relational and flat (e.g. spreadsheets, odbc data sources, dbase files, openstreetmap data
  • file_text_array - read flat file delimited: each row of data into an array - great where number of columns on each row is not the same like data consisting of orders on one row followed by line items.
  • Honorable mentions: multicorn, odbc_fdw, mysql_fdw, oracle_fdw, db2_fdw, tds_fdw


  • https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/file-fdw.html
  • Generally available with most PostgreSQL packages, may require installing postgresql-contrib if no by default included
  • Requires super user to create a foreign table, but user mappings control access.
  • New in PostgreSQL 10: can read from output of programs similar to COPY FROM PROGRAM.

Step 1: Install Extension and Create file_fdw Foreign Server


Step 2 (file version): Create Foreign Table to a file system file

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE fdt_film_locations
   (title text ,
    release_year integer ,
    locations text ,
    fun_facts text ,
    production_company text ,
    distributor text ,
    director text ,
    writer text ,
    actor_1 text ,
    actor_2 text ,
    actor_3 text )
    SERVER svr_file
    OPTIONS ( format 'csv', header 'true', 
        filename '/data_talk/csvs/Film_Locations_in_San_Francisco.csv',
        delimiter ',',
        null '');

Step 2 (program version): Create Foreign Table from program output

Requires PostgreSQL 10+. This will pull the website data on every query of table.

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE fdt_film_locations
   (title text ,
    release_year integer ,
    locations text ,
    fun_facts text ,
    production_company text ,
    distributor text ,
    director text ,
    writer text ,
    actor_1 text ,
    actor_2 text ,
    actor_3 text )
    SERVER svr_file
    OPTIONS ( format 'csv', header 'true', 
     program 'wget -q -O - "$@" "https://data.sfgov.org/api/views/yitu-d5am/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"',
     delimiter ',',
     null '');

postgres_fdw: Read from other postgres servers

  • Part of standard extension offering so should already have the binaries
  • Can read from higher/lower postgres versions, but some features are disabled if both not of same higher version.
  • Requires super user to create a foreign table, but user mappings control access.
  • New in PostgreSQL 10: Aggregates can be pushed down, which means things like COUNT(*), MAX(*) etc are much faster across databases. More joins can be pushed to remote server thus making cross joins between two databases faster.

Step 1:Install the extension in your database

CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;

Step 2:Create Foreign Server

 OPTIONS (host 'faraway.host.com', dbname 'db', port '5432');

Step 3:Create User Mappings (can be a group or user)

CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER remote_db OPTIONS (user 'pubinfo', password 'secret');

Step 4:Link in the tables

CREATE SCHEMA remote_public;
-- requires PostgreSQL 9.5
IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA public FROM SERVER remote_db INTO remote_public;

PostgreSQL + GDAL (OGR) ~ PostGIS = OGR_FDW
PostgreSQL More than Spatial Foreign Data Wrapper

Doesn't require PostGIS to use, but will expose spatial columns as PostGIS geometry if PostGIS is installed.

Use ogr_fdw extension

If you have all sorts of data of both a spatial and non-spatial flavor to tame, make sure you have ogr_fdw foreign data wrapper in your tool belt.

  • For windows users using EDB distribution, it's part of PostGIS bundle (versions 2.2 and up) on application stackbuilder.
  • For windows/linux/mac desktop users, it's part of the BigSQL PostGIS package.
  • For CentOS/Red Hat/Scientific etc, it's available via yum.postgresql.org
  • Available via debian and apt.postgresql.org
  • For others, if you have PostGIS with GDAL support, just need postgresql dev package to compile. Download the source https://github.com/pramsey/pgsql-ogr-fdw

What can ogr_fdw read?

You have the combined power of Geospatial Data Abstraction Layer (GDAL), PostgreSQL, and any PostgreSQL extension you want (including PostGIS) working seamlessly together. So many kinds of data you can query and take advantage of PostgreSQL functions and any extension functions and types such as PostGIS, hstore, built-in json/jsonb to tame your data.

  • Spreadsheets
  • ODBC datasources
  • Other relational
  • OpenStreetMap files (OSM, PBF)
  • SQLite, GeoPackage
  • Dbase and ESRI Shape files
  • Spatial web services
  • Many more

Install Binaries

Make sure to use version for your PostgreSQL, examples below are for 11

  • Yum (CentOS, RedHat going via yum.postgresql.org) -
    yum install ogr_fdw11
  • Debian/Ubuntu (via apt.postgresql.org) -
    apt install postgresql-11-ogr-fdw
  • Windows via application Stackbuilder - included as part of PostGIS bundle 2.2 and above bundles .
  • BigSQL (linux/windows/Mac) - included as part of the PostGIS install:
    pgc install postgis25-pg11

Enable it in your database


Load in folder of CSV files

OPTIONS (datasource '/fdw_data/csvs', format 'CSV');
-- requires PostgreSQL 9.5+

Other relational databases

Format for SQL Server ODBC 'ODBC:your_user/your_password@yourDSN,table1,table2'. ODBC can be slow with a lot of tables (more than 150) so filter list if you have over 200 tables

OPTIONS (datasource 'ODBC:pguser/whatever@MSSQLTest,dbo.IssueLog,dbo.IssueNotes',
format 'ODBC'
FROM SERVER svr_sqlserver INTO ss;
\dE ss.*
                 List of relations
Schema |      Name      |     Type      |  Owner
ss     | dbo_issuelog   | foreign table | postgres
ss     | dbo_issuenotes | foreign table | postgres
(2 rows)


Each workbook is considered a server and each sheet a table

CREATE SERVER svr_currency_rates
  OPTIONS (datasource '/fdw_data/ExchangeRates.xlsx',format 'XLSX', 
    config_options 'OGR_XLSX_HEADERS=FORCE');
-- link only 2 spreadsheets preserve headers (requires PostgreSQL 9.5 to use IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA)
	FROM SERVER svr_currency_rates INTO staging 
        OPTIONS (launder_column_names 'false');

file_text_array: Loading delimited files and jagged files with file_text_array

step 1: Create Extension and Server

CREATE EXTENSION file_textarray_fdw;
CREATE SERVER file_ta_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER file_textarray_fdw;
CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER file_ta_server;

step 2 (file version): Create FOREIGN TABLE

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE fdt_film_locations_ta( x text[] ) SERVER file_ta_server
OPTIONS (filename '/data_talk/csvs/Film_Locations_in_San_Francisco.csv', encoding 'latin1', delimiter E',');

step 2 (program version): Create FOREIGN TABLE

Requires PostgreSQL 10+

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE fdt_film_locations_ta( x text[] ) SERVER file_ta_server
OPTIONS (program 'wget -q -O - "$@" "https://data.sfgov.org/api/views/yitu-d5am/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"', encoding 'latin1', delimiter E',');

Query the web from PostgreSQL with http

A web browser in your database

Install in database


Query NYC Open Data

Last 5 logged NYC 311 calls

                    || '$order=' || urlencode('created_date DESC') 
                    || '&$limit=5') AS hg
                        , jsonb_array_elements(hg.content::jsonb) As r)
SELECT r->>'complaint_type' AS complaint
    , r->>'borough' As borough
    , (r->>'longitude')::numeric(8,4) As long
    , (r->>'latitude')::numeric(8,4) As lat
    , (r->>'created_date')::timestamp AS date_create
              complaint              |  borough  |   long   |   lat   |     date_create
 Request Large Bulky Item Collection | QUEENS    | -73.8082 | 40.7418 | 2019-03-16 02:59:00
 Request Large Bulky Item Collection | BROOKLYN  | -73.9599 | 40.6498 | 2019-03-16 02:55:00
 Noise - Commercial                  | QUEENS    | -73.7027 | 40.7519 | 2019-03-16 02:14:42
 Noise - Commercial                  | MANHATTAN | -73.9558 | 40.7763 | 2019-03-16 02:13:36
 Blocked Driveway                    | BRONX     | -73.8634 | 40.8690 | 2019-03-16 02:12:20
(5 rows)

Commandline Tools

Commonly available Open source command-line when you have PostgreSQL / PostGIS installed.

pgloader: What is it

An open source command-line tool for loading data into PostgreSQL: Key features: (source: https://github.com/dimitri/pgloader)

  • Supported relational: MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite, PostgreSQL
  • Supported file formats: CSV, Dbase
  • Can pull from http/https and also compressed (zip)
  • Scriptable Load, has a basic scripting language for more granular control
  • Supports parallel loading

pgloader: Installing it

Binaries available via apt.postgresql.org and yum.postgresql.org. FreeBSD pkg system Mac Users there is homebrew script. No binaries available for Windows.

Install Debian/Ubuntu
apt install pgloader
Install RedHat EL/CentOS/Fedora
yum install pgloader
Install FreeBSD
pkg install pgloader
Verify install
pgloader --version
pgloader --help 


pgloader version "3.4.1"
    compiled with SBCL 1.3.3.debian
      --help -h                       boolean  Show usage and exit.
      --version -V                    boolean  Displays pgloader version and exit.
      --quiet -q                      boolean  Be quiet
      --verbose -v                    boolean  Be verbose
      --debug -d                      boolean  Display debug level information.
      --client-min-messages           string   Filter logs seen at the console (default: "warning")
      --log-min-messages              string   Filter logs seen in the logfile (default: "notice")
      --summary -S                    string   Filename where to copy the summary
      --root-dir -D                   string   Output root directory. (default: #P"/tmp/pgloader/")
      --upgrade-config -U             boolean  Output the command(s) corresponding to .conf file for
      --list-encodings -E             boolean  List pgloader known encodings and exit.
      --logfile -L                    string   Filename where to send the logs.
      --load-lisp-file -l             string   Read user code from files
      --dry-run                       boolean  Only check database connections, don't load anything.
      --on-error-stop                 boolean  Refrain from handling errors properly.
      --with                          string   Load options
      --set                           string   PostgreSQL options
      --field                         string   Source file fields specification
      --cast                          string   Specific cast rules
      --type                          string   Force input source type
      --encoding                      string   Source expected encoding
      --before                        string   SQL script to run before loading the data
      --after                         string   SQL script to run after loading the data
      --self-upgrade                  string   Path to pgloader newer sources
      --regress                       boolean  Drive regression testing

Example table for load

create table cd116
         usps        text,
         geoid       text,
         aland       bigint,
         awater      bigint,
         aland_sqmi  double precision,
         awater_sqmi double precision,
         intptlat    double precision,
         intptlong   double precision

File we'll be loading is from http://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/maps-data/data/gazetteer/2018_Gazetteer/2018_Gaz_116CDs_national.zip

pgloader load CSV file from stdin

Database pgconf and table cd116 must exist

pgloader --type csv \
             --with "skip header = 1"  \
             --with "fields terminated by '\t'" \
             -    \
             postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/pgconf?cd116 \
             < 2018_Gaz_116CDs_national.txt
2019-03-18T00:10:15.062000Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.1"
    2019-03-18T00:10:15.569000Z LOG report summary reset
                 table name     errors       rows      bytes      total time
    -----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
                      fetch          0          0                     0.009s
    -----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
           "public"."cd116"          0        440    28.2 kB          0.230s
    -----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
            Files Processed          0          1                     0.030s
    COPY Threads Completion          0          2                     0.231s
    -----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
          Total import time          âo"        440    28.2 kB          0.261s

pgloader SQLite (on web) to postgres

Both source and target databases need to exist

pgloader https://github.com/lerocha/chinook-database/raw/master/ChinookDatabase/DataSources/Chinook_Sqlite_AutoIncrementPKs.sqlite postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/pgconf
table name     errors       rows      bytes      total time
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
                  fetch          0          0                     1.490s
        fetch meta data          0         44                     0.078s
         Create Schemas          0          0                     0.001s
       Create SQL Types          0          0                     0.012s
          Create tables          0         22                     0.112s
         Set Table OIDs          0         11                     0.023s
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
                  album          0        347    10.5 kB          0.122s
                 artist          0        275     6.8 kB          0.274s
               customer          0         59     6.7 kB          0.066s
                  genre          0         25     0.3 kB          0.116s
            invoiceline          0       2240    43.6 kB          0.303s
               employee          0          8     1.4 kB          0.274s
                invoice          0        412    31.0 kB          0.362s
              mediatype          0          5     0.1 kB          0.321s
          playlisttrack          0       8715    57.3 kB          0.439s
               playlist          0         18     0.3 kB          0.152s
                  track          0       3503   236.6 kB          0.389s
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
COPY Threads Completion          0          4                     0.473s
         Create Indexes          0         33                     0.544s
 Index Build Completion          0         33                     0.181s
        Reset Sequences          0         10                     0.052s
           Primary Keys          0         11                     0.017s
    Create Foreign Keys          0         11                     0.045s
        Create Triggers          0          0                     0.000s
       Install Comments          0          0                     0.000s
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
      Total import time          âo"      15607   394.5 kB          1.312s

ogr2ogr: Swiss army knife for data loading

ogr2ogr --formats
Supported Formats:
  PCIDSK -raster,vector- (rw+v): PCIDSK Database File
  JP2OpenJPEG -raster,vector- (rwv): JPEG-2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library
  PDF -raster,vector- (w+): Geospatial PDF
  MBTiles -raster,vector- (rw+v): MBTiles
  ESRI Shapefile -vector- (rw+v): ESRI Shapefile
  MapInfo File -vector- (rw+v): MapInfo File
  UK .NTF -vector- (rov): UK .NTF
  OGR_SDTS -vector- (rov): SDTS
  S57 -vector- (rw+v): IHO S-57 (ENC)
  DGN -vector- (rw+v): Microstation DGN
  OGR_VRT -vector- (rov): VRT - Virtual Datasource
  REC -vector- (ro): EPIInfo .REC
  Memory -vector- (rw+): Memory
  BNA -vector- (rw+v): Atlas BNA
  CSV -vector- (rw+v): Comma Separated Value (.csv)
  GML -vector- (rw+v): Geography Markup Language (GML)
  GPX -vector- (rw+v): GPX
  KML -vector- (rw+v): Keyhole Markup Language (KML)
  GeoJSON -vector- (rw+v): GeoJSON
  ESRIJSON -vector- (rov): ESRIJSON
  TopoJSON -vector- (rov): TopoJSON
  OGR_GMT -vector- (rw+v): GMT ASCII Vectors (.gmt)
  GPKG -raster,vector- (rw+vs): GeoPackage
  SQLite -vector- (rw+v): SQLite / Spatialite
  ODBC -vector- (rw+): ODBC
  WAsP -vector- (rw+v): WAsP .map format
  PGeo -vector- (ro): ESRI Personal GeoDatabase
  MSSQLSpatial -vector- (rw+): Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Database
  OpenFileGDB -vector- (rov): ESRI FileGDB
  XPlane -vector- (rov): X-Plane/Flightgear aeronautical data
  DXF -vector- (rw+v): AutoCAD DXF
  CAD -raster,vector- (rovs): AutoCAD Driver
  Geoconcept -vector- (rw+v): Geoconcept
  GeoRSS -vector- (rw+v): GeoRSS
  GPSTrackMaker -vector- (rw+v): GPSTrackMaker
  VFK -vector- (ro): Czech Cadastral Exchange Data Format
  PGDUMP -vector- (w+v): PostgreSQL SQL dump
  OSM -vector- (rov): OpenStreetMap XML and PBF
  GPSBabel -vector- (rw+): GPSBabel
  SUA -vector- (rov): Tim Newport-Peace's Special Use Airspace Format
  OpenAir -vector- (rov): OpenAir
  OGR_PDS -vector- (rov): Planetary Data Systems TABLE
  HTF -vector- (rov): Hydrographic Transfer Vector
  AeronavFAA -vector- (rov): Aeronav FAA
  Geomedia -vector- (ro): Geomedia .mdb
  EDIGEO -vector- (rov): French EDIGEO exchange format
  SVG -vector- (rov): Scalable Vector Graphics
  Idrisi -vector- (rov): Idrisi Vector (.vct)
  ARCGEN -vector- (rov): Arc/Info Generate
  SEGUKOOA -vector- (rov): SEG-P1 / UKOOA P1/90
  SEGY -vector- (rov): SEG-Y
  XLS -vector- (ro): MS Excel format
  ODS -vector- (rw+v): Open Document/ LibreOffice / OpenOffice Spreadsheet
  XLSX -vector- (rw+v): MS Office Open XML spreadsheet
  Walk -vector- (ro): Walk
  SXF -vector- (rov): Storage and eXchange Format
  Selafin -vector- (rw+v): Selafin
  JML -vector- (rw+v): OpenJUMP JML
  VDV -vector- (rw+v): VDV-451/VDV-452/INTREST Data Format
  MVT -vector- (rov): Mapbox Vector Tiles
  TIGER -vector- (rw+v): U.S. Census TIGER/Line
  AVCBin -vector- (rov): Arc/Info Binary Coverage
  AVCE00 -vector- (rov): Arc/Info E00 (ASCII) Coverage

ogr2ogr load data into PostgreSQL

Can use psql variables or be specified on commandline

Load an OpenStreetMap protobuf file

ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" \
	"PG:host=localhost user=postgres password=xxx dbname=pgconf" sf.osm.pbf

Load a folder of CSV files (folder is called csvs)

ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" \
	"PG:host=localhost user=postgres password=xxx dbname=pgconf" /csvs


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